RFID simplifies self-service car access

Our customer VULOG

Proposing a cost-effective individual transport solution was the bet made by Georges Gallais, an electronics engineer in the automotive industry, when he founded VULOG. 

Georges embarks on a great adventure to offer the world technological innovations in the field of transport with a single environmental objective in mind: solve the problems of the big cities of the planet!

The idea takes shape with the first Full Self-Service, made possible by the product built with his team in their garage in Antibes. Together, they launch the CiteVU mobility service that revolutionizes access to more responsible mobility: self-service electric cars available via a 7/7 and 24/7 voice server, which locates us by GPS and offers us the nearest car.

It is a new means of economic, instant access, open end, one way and free floating. These small electric cars, called Maranello, were created specifically for city journeys and to travel several times a day the small distances that generate more than 50% of road pollution: these prototypes were silent, practical and without CO2 emissions.

"CitéVU, the full auto self-service that allows complete freedom in space, you go where you want and you park freely in the street, you don’t reserve, you take it when you need it and for the time you need."

This concept of self-service electric car was voted the best among more than 200 participants, winner of the international competition Galileo Masters 2005, the European GPS. BBC "period" article here.


Since 2006, Georges Gallais has been using SpringCard to accompany VULOG on an access control system for car doors.

SpringCard starts by qualifying the VULOG need to know its use and offer the most suitable product. To unlock and allow users to open the car, a badge reader simple to install and that it can meet the strategic need of opening in maximum 3 seconds without emptying the precious battery and without a priori local knowledge of the identity of the client known only from the remote server.

The choice of hardware was then made on an OEM RFID/NFC card reader, with a case fixed on the windshield that incorporates 3 LEDs in red, orange, and green colors. 

The main challenges were mainly to meet the requirements of use and safety of access to vehicles.

Following the success of the first prototypes, SpringCard has launched the study of an industrial version to upgrade the contactless badge reader and bring it up to the standards in force in various countries such as Germany and Canada. in terms of compatibility and security. The Canadian-made reader is a true work of art, called bi-standard. It wakes up the car in milliseconds in extreme humidity environments and for very low and very high outside temperatures ranging from - 45 to + 110°C!

The Prox'N'Drive reader

Pour ouvrir la voiture, merci à la technologie SpringCard et au Prox'N'Drive intégré qui permet à présent aux usagers de déverrouiller la portière simplement en présentant un identifiant NFC, un tag ou une carte sans contact sur le lecteur RFID, et ce, en moins de 3 secondes !!

C’est en étroite collaboration avec notre CEO Denis Pietersoone et nos ingénieurs que le matériel a été mis au point et testé dans son environnement pendant plusieurs mois jusqu’à ce qu’il soit conforme aux attentes de VULOG et déployé dans le monde entier avec un niveau de qualité irréprochable !

Ce sont cette fiabilité et cette performance des lecteurs de badges SpringCard, qui ont permis à Georges Gallais et son équipe de remporter la plupart des appels d'offre comme Nice, Belfort, La rochelle et de lancerrapidement des commandes en volume pour Montreal puis Vancouver.

Ce sont aujourd'hui plus de 50 villes à travers le monde qui sont équipées comme par exemple le service EVO de Vancouver avec plus de 100 000 clients qui se partagent près de 2500 voitures équipées de lecteurs Prox’N’Drive dont certains datent de 2014.

Why VULOG trusts us

VULOG, a long-time customer, quickly recognized the professional expertise of SpringCard engineers and the adaptability of the equipment in a complex environment. It was necessary not only to master the embedded electronics, the software but also the system of security codes. This implied the fine knowledge of what is now called cybersecurity. The codes manipulated are very popular with thieves. It was necessary to prove to the best specialists of the manufacturers that their fleet was under control! Audits carried out with flying colors, up to the compatibility with the "Navigo pass" which gives access to the Ile de France transport. Georges still recounts with great emotion the genesis of the project that linked him to SpringCard. 

"We have built a true relationship of trust with the SpringCard team. They have helped us develop intelligent OEM solutions for opening contactless car doors."

Acknowledgements: Georges Gallais, Founder - VULOG


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