Electronics products conception

- Contactless smart card / NFC / RFID interface in HF (13.56MHz),
- Smart card to contact interface (T=0, T=1),
- UHF RFID interface (868 / 910MHz).

- Battery or battery systems with very low communication,
- NFC/RFID field-fed remote systems.

- Wireless connected objects: sensors, dataloggers or trackers, communication via LoRa, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), IEEE 802.15.4 or via NFC/ RFID, GPS/GNSS geolocation,
- Objects directly connected to the cloud via WiFi or Ethernet, gateways field network/ IoT; MQTT and TLS on microcontroller, Amazon Web Services integration, Azure etc.

- USB, Bluetooth and Ethernet accessories for PCs, smartphones, tablets and embedded systems.