What can IoT do for you?

What is IoT ?

IoT is an evolving topic so there is no fixed definition.

To simplify we can say that IoT is all of the technologies allowing the association of a physical item to data only reachable from Internet, or to perform actions on this item, remotely, through Internet.

With the IoT, each item around us is associated to a digital twin, that allow us to manipulate it and know its condition through an application and a cloud service.

But IoT goes beyond these digital twins. Indeed, Internet power is based on the concept of networks interconnection, binding of servers and services.

Thanks to the Internet of Things, the connected item become an interconnected item - it escapes from its application or its proprietary implementation to pool its data and methods into complex cooperation patterns.

Big actors from Internet - Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Google - now make of their IoT as a service offers an essential axis of their development strategy.

The main advantage of IoT for you

For industrialists and professional solutions suppliers, IoT is a source of new opportunities or productivity savings.

With smaller and cheaper connected objects that communicate more you can maximise processes and flows, as well as increase capacity or prevent breakdowns.

With IoT, interoperability and open interfaces allow the surfacing of hypervision platforms and development of machine learning algorithm that know how to explore the infinity of big data in  performance’s service.

The IoT as a service offers allow to access to innovative technologies while escaping the heavy investment that they represent.

On the contrary, organisations that wish to keep command over their data and to precisely control the access to their items can capitalise on their own services and data warehouses, while being an integral part of the Internet of Things thanks to open API.

In the mainstream world, this aspect, command of data, is an integrated part of the reflection on which model to adopt. You need to know how to obtain consumer trust without giving up on ease of implementation and use !


What SpringCard can do for you

With its experience in the area of contactless communications, low consumption systems and transactions security, SpringCard is the design office and standardisation partner that will help you enter the IoT world.


More informations on video here.

Published on 07/24/2018

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